【Report】Let’s enjoy autumn in Kanpachi Gorge with your five senses! Folk Crafts and Green Tea

◎プログラム:Let’s enjoy autumn in Kanpachi Gorge with your five senses! Folk Crafts and Green Tea(勘八峡の秋を五感で楽しもう!民芸×抹茶)
◎案内人:豊田市民芸館 内田美穂子(MihokoUchida)さん

The event was held at Toyota city fork craft museum on a Sunday in November when Momiji maple leaves were beautiful.

There are some places where you can see many beautiful autumn leaves in Toyota City. Kōrankei, Otaki Gorge, and Takadoya Wetland.
Toyota-city folk craft museum is also a beautiful place and you can enjoy autumn leaves.

The organizers wanted people from overseas to know about the Toyota-city folk craft museum, and they gave guidance in English.
The participants came from four countries, Vietnam, China, Germany and Japan.

Participants visited a special exhibition “Soetsu Yanagi: Trajectory of His Collection -Focusing on the Crafts of Japan-”.
While listening to commentary by curator Mrs. Uchida, participants enjoyed the exhibition by asking questions, etc.

Fork Craft is The making of traditional objects, usually by hand or by traditional methods; objects so made.
Soetsu Yanagi is known as the discoverer of the beauty of folk crafts, everyday objects made by unnamed craftspeople. In addition to his role as the founder of the folk-crafts movement, he is a person difficult to describe in a single word with interests ranging from art enthusiast to religious philosopher, thinker and art critic.

After seeing the exhibits, they enjoyed green tea and sweets in “Kannoutei”.

Please visit Toyota-city folk craft museum, where you can enjoy various scenery, exhibitions, green tea and various things.